Monday, April 20, 2009

How to Love the Wii and Maintain Your Manhood

Its no secret that I love the Wii. Its the system that got me back into console gaming after having my parents make me give it up with the Super Nintendo.

But as a young adult male Wii lover, I can sometimes get some flak from the ill informed for enjoying a console for "girls, babies and old people." If you have the same problem, here are some rebuttals.

Girls love the Wii: The uninformed may think this makes the console "girlie". But I can assure you that the XBox or PS3 is unlikely to get anybody laid, anywhere, ever. The Wii, on the other hand, is a draw to any potential female companion. It gets them into the fun and playful mood. Its certainly better than your shitty acoustic guitar playing skills.

Friends love the Wii: If you are like me, you have friends. You can actually interact with them, live, in person, as opposed to XBox live or whatever passes for an online system for the PS3 these days. You can potentially hang out with 3 friends... or even more if you have mastered the skills of sharing and teamwork! Plus, they can bring you booze when they come over. Everyone wins!

You get to move around: Games like Tiger Woods and Shaun White Snowboarding are just meant to be played with a wii-mote and balance board. Sure, in Wii Tennis you could potentially be lame and just sit on the couch making tiny jerking motions but if you are like me you get more than enough of that for other reasons. Stand up, swing that white baton around. Its far less lame.

Characters you grew up on: If you are like me, you fit into the 18 - 34 male demographic that gets marketing executives all hot and bothered. We love Ninja Turtles, Ghostbusters, Transformers and Thundercats. That is because TV raised us, but the marketing giants at Nintendo was also able to feed us such lovable characters as Mario, Link, Donkey Kong, and Pikachu. If the chance to play a Mario platform game doesn't get you excited, you might be a freedom hating terrorist (except in the case of Mario Sunshine... it doesn't count... for anything).

Gore, if you need gore: While the system is abundandly family friendly, for the maladjusted teenager in you, there are a number of games where you can get your kill on. Both Resident Evil 4 (its the best version on the Wii, by far) and No More Heroes got gamers through the worst of the early kid friendly days. And now there's House of the Dead: Overkill, Mad World among others (though those ones are the best). So now, not only can you kill, you can actually feel like you are stabbing a person through the head with a sign post!

And finally, if none of that works in you being able to maintain your manliness... just buy an oversized and bloated PS3 and complain about how XBox 360 isn't hardcore enough.

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