Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Most Marketable Movie of Our Time

Remember when that movie, Righteous Kill, only had one thing going for it. The fact that Ne Niro and Pacino were buddies in it and actually had scenes together.

Well I still didn't see the movie, most people didn't see the movie, but the idea of them hanging out seems pretty cool on the surface.

That is until I heard about The Expendables.

Check out the cast list:
  • Sylvester Stallone (this is his baby after all)
  • Jason Statham (has never been anything less than badass, whether his movies are good or not)
  • Mickey Rourke (A walking pillar of comeback badassness, best part of Sin City and of course, The Wrestler)
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger (Yes its weird that he's a governor, but he's still the most badass terminator of all time)
  • Jet Li (Didn't quit movies after all, just a specific Kung Fu genre... so he is back to basically lay down some badass ninja-type beats)
  • Dolph Lundgren (maybe him and Stallone will have a badass boxing re-match?)
  • Danny Trejo (which is actually Danny Motherfuckin' Badasssss Trejo in our language)
  • And of course, Charisma Carpenter (oh yeah, that chick from Buffy who wasn't Buffy)
To top all that off, there is a rumour that Bruce Willis will be taking the place of 50 Cent in the cast. Jesus.

So what are all these crazy characters up to? They are going to stop a dictator in some country that isn't America.

Now, it may be premature to be calling this the single greatest film to ever be created by humans, but I have a feeling that this is going to be the single greatest film to ever be created by humans.

I would not want to be a dictator right about now.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Celebrity Apprentice is over and done with. But there are still various bad tastes left in my mouth.

One of them is the taste of "viral video". The company All wanted the teams to make viral videos to get the news out about their detergent blah blah blah. The video with Jesse James at least had a bit of the spirit of what could become a viral video (people love midgits partying with Jesse James) but of course it comes across as forced (although not as completely loopy as the other video which was just some cowboy's idea of a dirty joke).

I can't even find any real versions of the videos on YouTube to post for people that want to see them. I apologize.

But what made me the angriest was that companies try to apply the old maketing strategies to the YouTube and internet frontiers. If that worked, people would just be watching commercials on YouTube. Guess what, that already happens, but more often than not, its a fluke, or just because something was particularly hilarious or embaressing about the ad. Not because the marketing was spot on and because the demographic was pandered to... and especially not because the product was properly branded.

I was skeptical that people could intentionally make internet friendly ads. Ads that were conciously in the spirit of weird online videos, and still promote a product or company... but I might be wrong.

Here are a couple of videos that were put together as online viral video advertising.

Neither of those could be put on any television channel before 3am and after 6am. Both are brilliant. They take their subject, point out something ridiculous about them and play it out to amazing levels of irony. YouTube fucking loves irony.

While I'm not sure that the clients for these advertisers understand exactly what they are being put through, I think its great to see people taking chances into something entertaining, than shoving another billboard / tv commercial / magazine ad / banner ad (web and phone) / product placement into my face. Less irritation is more better.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Why Fallout 3 DLC Doesn't Work (at least for me)

Like many Fallout 3 fans, I am excited today because the new DLC (DownLoadable Content in case my blog has readers that aren't avid gaming nerds... or readers at all) expansion Broken Steel is released. Its the DLC we've all been waiting for because it raises the level cap, adds new perks, expands the game after the final mission and removing the hard ending so you can continue to quest after it.

All of those things are great, but after finally putting in the time just yesturday to finish The Pitt, I realize that the spirit of the Fallout 3 DLC is just kinda... wrong.

Some background:

Operation Anchorage
Keep in mind that everything that I'm going to say about Operation Anchorage is heresy. I haven't downloaded it because it was very poorly reviewed and everyone said that it changed Fallout 3 (at least for the mission) into a much more standard and bland, first person shooter.

The Pitt
The consensus seemed to be "It sure beats Operation Anchorage" but everyone also seemed to agree that there was something missing. I myself had started the Pitt weeks ago but lost interest and didn't finish it until yesturday. It took me a while to figure out why... and it lead me to realize why the new expansion, Broken Steel, will feel like a disappointment to me as well.

Here are the reasons:
  1. I'm kinda bored of Fallout 3. I've adventured through the wasteland. Its eaten up a great deal of my time. I've met the different companions, I've lived various different roles from grenadier to scientist to assassin to scoundrel. I know what all the perks do. I've discovered all the quests and seen all the places with at least one character. Maybe Fallout 3 can't just hold my attention like it used to for the new DLC.
  2. The fun of exploring. The Capital Wasteland is a huge place and it is brimming with character. When you start out you either try to follow the main quest, or head in any number of other directions. As you wander aimlessly you are bound to run into something shocking/surprising/magnificent/valuable. Even when no quests are attached, you are drawn to explore small towns (that may be full of cannibals), vaults (that may be filled with crazy clones), caves (that may be filled with children that like to swear) etc. The point is that quite often, you just don't know what you are going to run into. With the DLC, you download it if you think its going to be fun, but you have to know something about it. You know that Operation Anchorage is about a computer simulation (meanwhile, running into a computer simulation in the original Fallout 3 is one of the most memorable and surprising parts of the game). You also know that The Pitt is about slaves and slavers (an issue you've already dealt with at Paradise Falls where it was still shocking to run into an entire town of slavers). I don't know about Operation Anchorage, but I think I can count only one sort of suprise in The Pitt.
  3. Linearity. Fallout 3 is a non linear game. The second you are out of the vault you can go anywhere in the world. In fact, if you happen to stumble upon certain locations involved in the main quest, you can skip huge chunks of it. But both DLC packs are linear beyond belief, going from one quest point to the next without any sense of wandering off to discover surprising new places. The Pitt sort of tries with the Steelyard, but its ultimately just a scavengerhunt. But it is of course by its very nature as a questline that it has to do that, but its why DLC for Fallout 3 just doesn't work. I feel like I have to do The Pitt because it is bought and paid for. Any of the other questlines in Fallout 3 I can choose to skip or indulge in. And I can leave it part way through if I get distracted by something shiny (not true of The Pitt or Operation Anchorage).
  4. Changes motivations. In Fallout 3 you can choose what motivates you. Whether you are just looking to get rich and murdering a few merchants is how you are going to get there, or whether you are a do gooder trying to make the Wasteland a better place, you can skip any quests you don't think fits with your character. But after you pay extra money for a questline its no longer about how it fits your character, it becomes "I have to beat this questline now because I paid for it and it gives me these rewards." The rewards are nice in the case of all the DLC, but it ends up feeling like that was the reason I bought it. I pay Windows Live so that I can do some tasks and get some sweet weapons for me to use in the "real" game.
So there you have it. Ultimately the DLC takes away the magic of the original Fallout 3 as a whole, and it makes me sad. Maybe the PS3 owners who got screwed over with no DLC, have the best version of all.

What am I saying? Level cap to 30 baby!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Recession vs. Swine Flu

I think its safe to say that we're all pretty bored with terrorism, the environment, school violence (unless you actually face school violence every day, but the middle classes concern for it has gone wayside), which is usually from the media's savvy ability to make us totally sick of an issue by bombarding us with it, and then moving on to something else that will reak misery into our lives.

Yeah, people still care, but there are scarier things out there. RECESSION! SWINE FLU!

But which one can win our fears over?

How it affects us:

Recessions wins this one. They say almost everyone knows somebody that has lost their job or had their hours/wages cut back. Everybody is cutting back "just in case" whether that means not buying that new luxery sedan, or skipping a few meals a week in order to afford rent at the end of the month. Swine flu, unless you are Mexican, has only affected a handful of people in any country. Odds are you don't know them.

Relative level of deadliness:

Swine flu wins this one. It can KILL YOU! If you are healthy and not too young and not too old, you probably aren't going to die. But people are dying, and more people are probably going to die, and nobody wants to be those people. The recession isn't likely to kill you. Some people might commit suicide if things get bad enough, but most people are pretty good at avoiding suicide. You might have to borrow and beg for cash in order to afford kraft dinner, but unless we are talking about long term health effects of eating poorly and stress (and really, who in North America other than health nuts are worried about long term health effects) the recession isn't going to kill you.

Perceived inability to avoid:

Recession wins. The whole problem is that people feel powerless and the only thing anybody can do is cut back spending and pray for their jobs to still be there tomorrow. Job losses are growing every month with no end in sight, so everyone is either afraid of unemployment, or already unemployed. People can try working longer and harder for less pay, but that is what everyone is doing. Swine flu, people are pretty sure they can just keep washing their hands and not making out with people travelling from Mexico to avoid it.


Swine flu wins this one big. People are sick of the recession and sick of hearing another story about job losses and stocks plummeting. Yeah, the economy is bad, no shit. But the swine flu is new, and continuing to ramp up. The news just told me now that swine flu is approaching phase 5 of being and epidemic. Whatever the hell that means, it sounds scary. What it means to the average viewer is that things are getting worse. Fears should ramp up accordingly.

So, 2 points for recession and 2 points for swine flu.

Going to the tie breaker: Amount of time Obama spends talking about it to reporters

This value can, of course, change day to day. So depending on the day our fears should reflect Obama's remarks accordingly.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Gaming That Doesn't Have To Make Sense

Gaming is a very different world than from "when I was a kid" times. Video gaming has for years now kicked the ass of every other form of entertainment, which included the once mighty music and movie industries.

But of course my parents made sure to tell me for years that v-idiot games (as they called them) were wastes of time. It was probably my most strongly developed skill as a child (living as an only child in the country with parents that didn't like to do much) and I should probably just give in and take a programming course to follow what should have been my dream all along... but I digress.

My main concern with the current world of video games is how it (and anything marketable, really) ends up becoming a bloated industry full of glossy shininess and ever increasing technological advances. But like Hollywood before it, the advances are in special effects, making things pretty, and ramping up the action in any way possible. Oh, and of course, give the people what they want.

So companies like Ubisoft, Activision Blizzard, and EA aren't exactly on the cutting edge of new gameplay experiences. Blizzard has yet to release a game I don't love, but the also have yet to release a game that doesn't have Diablo, Warcraft or Starcraft in the name... well okay... way back in the day they did, but I can't find The Lost Vikings and Rock and Roll Racing on their website.

On my Wii, we've got some great games that include Mario Galaxy, Mario Kart, Super Smash Brothers, Zelda, Metroid... all stuff we've seen before. On other systems there's Grand Theft Auto 4, Gears of War 2, Fable 2, Resistance 2, Killzone 2.

The only sports game that has any kind of major innovation since the super nintendo is Pro Evolution on the Wii. Everyone is just relying on tweaks and graphical upgrades to existing franchises.

But I've ranted about how boring games are these days long enough... what is exciting now is that there's a new indie movement in games that is gaining speed through sources like Valve's Steam, Nintendo's Wiiware, and XBox Live and PS3's whatever thingie.

World of Goo is huge and amazing and everyone loves it. Its of course the magical story of the little game that could. But to me, its still just a puzzle game.

The Path. This is a game that has me intrigued. I haven't even gotten a chance to play it but from what I can get out of it, it is apparently kind of like playing through a David Lynch movie. Its more about mood and feeling than any kind of story whatsoever. It is all just discovery.

But maybe walking around as tainted red riding hood isn't your thing and you need some action. A game that I have gotten a chance to play is Zeno Clash.

The game begins with you having just killed your father-mother (note that it is a single hermaphroditic entity) and you have to puch your way through some of the most bizarre environments, enemies and plot points ever seen in a game.

That thing is a mom and a dad.

So while, like most people who write, my dream is to write either a novel or a screenplay... odds are video games are going to be the place of choice for tomorrows creative minds.

Monday, April 27, 2009

What it Means to be Unmarketable

I created this blog in the interest of it being unmarketable. This is mostly due to my fear of rejection, because if I aspired to make a marketable blog then in the event of it being a bust, my ego would take a crushing blow that I would rather not be involved with.

Marketable blogs have clear themes.

At LOLCats you are guaranteed to see an adorable cat of some kind talking like a Warcraft III player.

At XKCD you are guaranteed to see ecclectic stick people deal with math, science, Pearl, and love.

At The Hater, you are guaranteed some hate.

At Failblog you will see some epic failure.

At my tiny little niche of the web, nothing is guaranteed. It is simply a collection of musings of one person, just like the vast majority of blogs that are out there that owe a modest readership to friends and friends of friends... and occasionally some weird dude from Sweden.

The tone of the blog isn't even clear. Some posts are just for fun, others are important issues. Its that inconsistancy that will keep this blog in obscurity. But that is alright.

I'm not a man who revels in obscurity, and if I could be a famous blogger that didn't have to resort to any kind of day job, that would be amazing.

But I'm not. Because I don't think I'm that good yet.

I plan on being good. But I'm too wordy at times and am too lazy to check over my posts. I like being able to write about whatever I feel like despite hating going through most people's failed attempts at trying to interest people with their blog entries about their breakfast or pet.

I had yogurt for breakfast, and my pet is an orchid that refuses to flower anymore.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Things People Don't Understand: Ghosts

Since they came out with an iPhone application, every day I have been enjoying listening to people endure their shitty day to day problems on FML. People complain about some ordeal they have gotten to that apparently represents how shitty their lives are which would cause somebody to exclaim "F*** my life!"

Readers also get the chance to declare whether "Yes, your life is f***ed" or "You deserve it."

So just take a time to check out this entry. For those too lazy to click the link:

"Today, I was closing the deal on this beautiful $200k ranch in the country. The buyer soon pulls up and we get to discussing the contract terms, soon the buyer asks the seller," Wow why is this house going so cheap?" The seller replies,"Do you believe in ghosts?" There goes my $8,000 commission. FML"

Naturally I assumed that the comments were going to be a bunch of people berating him for throwing away the deal of a lifetime because of the old owner's imaginary friends, but no. The comments are overwhelmingly supportive.

The website is almost designed for people to just berate people that have had a crappy time in life, but when it comes to ghosts, people are suddenly concerned with their well being.

Now I guess I've suspected it for a while, but I never wanted to believe it myself:

People are watching Ghost Hunters, Paranormal State, A Haunting, etc., not because they like to laugh at it ironically, but because they believe that these people are dealing with the important issues of our time!

Lets take a look at some of the facts about ghosts.

1. They only show up to believers
Just like every imaginary friend a child ever has. But that is when you say:

2. Kids are especially sensetive to ghosts
Kids are more likely to "see" things in a dark forest, closet or under the bed, yes. Guess what, its a beneficial trait for a small child to not want to go into the dark woods or small dark areas. They could get eaten by lions or bears, at least traditionally. Back in tribal times, if a kid believed in ghosts he would get eaten less than a kid who liked to wander away from his family, hence the "wander away from family" gene didn't survive as well as the "believe in scary monsters" gene.

3. Why would anybody lie about being haunted?
Some people lie about ghosts for attention, but I believe that is the vast minority. I think most people really do believe they are being haunted, just like kids really believe that there are monsters in their closet or invisible friends if they are bored and living in an understimulating environment (many ghosts appear to kids in old farm houses, isolated from other kids and needing stimulation).

4. Ghosts have been seen in pictures
No they haven't.

There sure seem to be a lot of scary ghosts in that picture above. But wait...

Turns out the sun is shooting ghosts right through that fish! Its a lens flare. It happens in digital photography. The orbs in the first picture above are from all the irregular reflections of the flash against snow. But wait, you say! What about before digital photography? My old film camera used to get pictures of "ghosts" all the time. It was because the camera had seen better days, it was broken and light was able to get inside. Plus the film could be old and degraded allowing for imperfections.

5. Sometimes people get the feeling they are being watched
Have you ever walked down a back alley at night? Especially if you are a girl, and you have your wits about you, you will probably feel paranoid and worry about being watched and mugged. Creepy places make people feel uneasy. Odds are more people have died in my condo building than any given farmhouse, but it isn't creepy and its very well maintained, so nobody assumes that it is haunted.

Now lots of people have that "you can't possible explain away this particular crazy event" and given enough time and clarity about the event in question, but I'm sure I could, but ultimately, you have a really cool story to tell your friends. So don't let me ruin that for you.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Things That Don't Suck: Norm McDonald

Here are a list of surefire ways to polarize a room:

1. Religion
2. Politics
3. Abortion
4. Norm McDonald

He was in my city this past week doing standup, and I didn't know until the day of due to a friend who may or may not be more obsessed with Norm than myself.

To put things into context, I hate standup comedy, and most standup comedians. I went to a school where there was a comedy program and watched as people, who I had thought were very funny up until that point, turned into the same carbon copy standup comedian that pollutes the comedy clubs every night.

Some are naturally better than others, and a truly adept standup comic can have me in stiches, but for the most part the jokes are a formula. Everything, right down to how comedians time their jokes, I've seen before. People just find something that works and go with it.

Which is why I love Norm McDonald. He takes things that don't work, and makes them funny. The most dramatic case in point:

While the rest of the world tries to outgross, and outswear each other, Norm makes a mockery of the whole process. You either hate him because he's telling bad jokes, or you love him because he dares to tell bad jokes. And you would be hard pressed to find a better bad joke teller.

But after years and years since seeing Dirty Work, and actually enjoying Weekend Update, I wasn't sure if it was a time or a place thing. Humour doesn't age well and oftentimes that counts for comedians as well (Mike Myers, Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler... I'm looking at you), so there was some fear in my heart going to see one of my childhood favourites, Norm McDonald, doing standup (you now know my feelings on that).

I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard.

Even his "Its great to be here" got laughs, since it was at a dank comedy club and Norm always sounds insincere. But his observational humour, insincerity and neuroticism had never been better. It was the feeling of seeing a successful indie movie that hasn't been script doctored into the Hollywood oblivion. It all felt fresh, and it was a welcome departure from the norm (pardon the pun, since in pun form, it hurts my argument).

I can't find anything online that does that show justice, so I'll leave you with another clip of Norm bombing based on a crowd that doesn't understand him (and him secretly seeming to love it).

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Things People Don't Understand: Carbon Dioxide Pt 1

If you are like me you are sick of hearing about your carbon footprint. It kind of epitimizes the douchiness that I hate in environmentalists. Its passive-aggressive and gets thrown around abundantly in accusatory conversation.

And, of course, the self-righteousness leads douches on the flip side of the coin to make t-shirts.

So carbon is evil right? No, wait, we're carbon based lifeforms. So Its good, right? But there's tons of it in the air (but its in the air, meaning there is no weight... right?).

Lets start at the beginning. People discovered the power of this magical reaction, combustion. Combustion provides a huge amount of our power in almost all vehicles of any kind and from many power plants. Scientifically, in a "perfect" combustion reaction, hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) come together and make water vapour, and some sweet sweet energy.

2(H2) + O2 -> 2(H2O)g + heat

Even environmentalists love this reaction, since it makes more water and we can always use more water. But, in the real world, its hard to make hydrogen and oxygen just react (One would hope that hydrogen and oxygen don't just react, cause we're breathing it right now.).

So in the real world the equation is the much dirtier and more confusing:

CH4 + 2O2 + 7.52N2CO2 + 2H2O + 7.52N2 + heat

Its got CH4, our gas, burning up with a little help from our friend nitrogen. But, gasp, we get CO2. And because we do a lot of driving and power consuming, there's a lot of CO2 in the air.

But if you listen to the skeptics, CO2 is natural, it is billowed up into the air from volcanos, bogs, cows, our mouths. And trees love it, they take the energy from it, with a little help from the sun, and turn it back into the O2 that we need.

Please deal with the following misinformation video:

Yes, CO2 is a naturally occuring substance, but so is shit. When you shit on the toilet, you are getting rid of what your body doesn't need and cannot use. When you breathe out, you are getting rid of the air that your body doesn't need or want to use. CO2 is shit from your mouth.

And guess what? The naturally occurring substance of shit is bad for you. You can get seriously sick from rivers where overpopulation and poverty has left no alternative. And you'd be hard pressed to find someone who is comfortable stepping into the shit they produce.

But of course, plants love CO2... well, yeah, they also love shit. Its fertilizer. Now unfortunately our shit is so dirty that it would have to be well treated before plants can actually use it, but guess what? That's the same for the gas we burn. Its pretty dirty shit, and we're pumpin all kinds of pollutants into the air.

I don't know about you, but I don't love breathing in shit.

Monday, April 20, 2009

How to Love the Wii and Maintain Your Manhood

Its no secret that I love the Wii. Its the system that got me back into console gaming after having my parents make me give it up with the Super Nintendo.

But as a young adult male Wii lover, I can sometimes get some flak from the ill informed for enjoying a console for "girls, babies and old people." If you have the same problem, here are some rebuttals.

Girls love the Wii: The uninformed may think this makes the console "girlie". But I can assure you that the XBox or PS3 is unlikely to get anybody laid, anywhere, ever. The Wii, on the other hand, is a draw to any potential female companion. It gets them into the fun and playful mood. Its certainly better than your shitty acoustic guitar playing skills.

Friends love the Wii: If you are like me, you have friends. You can actually interact with them, live, in person, as opposed to XBox live or whatever passes for an online system for the PS3 these days. You can potentially hang out with 3 friends... or even more if you have mastered the skills of sharing and teamwork! Plus, they can bring you booze when they come over. Everyone wins!

You get to move around: Games like Tiger Woods and Shaun White Snowboarding are just meant to be played with a wii-mote and balance board. Sure, in Wii Tennis you could potentially be lame and just sit on the couch making tiny jerking motions but if you are like me you get more than enough of that for other reasons. Stand up, swing that white baton around. Its far less lame.

Characters you grew up on: If you are like me, you fit into the 18 - 34 male demographic that gets marketing executives all hot and bothered. We love Ninja Turtles, Ghostbusters, Transformers and Thundercats. That is because TV raised us, but the marketing giants at Nintendo was also able to feed us such lovable characters as Mario, Link, Donkey Kong, and Pikachu. If the chance to play a Mario platform game doesn't get you excited, you might be a freedom hating terrorist (except in the case of Mario Sunshine... it doesn't count... for anything).

Gore, if you need gore: While the system is abundandly family friendly, for the maladjusted teenager in you, there are a number of games where you can get your kill on. Both Resident Evil 4 (its the best version on the Wii, by far) and No More Heroes got gamers through the worst of the early kid friendly days. And now there's House of the Dead: Overkill, Mad World among others (though those ones are the best). So now, not only can you kill, you can actually feel like you are stabbing a person through the head with a sign post!

And finally, if none of that works in you being able to maintain your manliness... just buy an oversized and bloated PS3 and complain about how XBox 360 isn't hardcore enough.