Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Most Marketable Movie of Our Time

Remember when that movie, Righteous Kill, only had one thing going for it. The fact that Ne Niro and Pacino were buddies in it and actually had scenes together.

Well I still didn't see the movie, most people didn't see the movie, but the idea of them hanging out seems pretty cool on the surface.

That is until I heard about The Expendables.

Check out the cast list:
  • Sylvester Stallone (this is his baby after all)
  • Jason Statham (has never been anything less than badass, whether his movies are good or not)
  • Mickey Rourke (A walking pillar of comeback badassness, best part of Sin City and of course, The Wrestler)
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger (Yes its weird that he's a governor, but he's still the most badass terminator of all time)
  • Jet Li (Didn't quit movies after all, just a specific Kung Fu genre... so he is back to basically lay down some badass ninja-type beats)
  • Dolph Lundgren (maybe him and Stallone will have a badass boxing re-match?)
  • Danny Trejo (which is actually Danny Motherfuckin' Badasssss Trejo in our language)
  • And of course, Charisma Carpenter (oh yeah, that chick from Buffy who wasn't Buffy)
To top all that off, there is a rumour that Bruce Willis will be taking the place of 50 Cent in the cast. Jesus.

So what are all these crazy characters up to? They are going to stop a dictator in some country that isn't America.

Now, it may be premature to be calling this the single greatest film to ever be created by humans, but I have a feeling that this is going to be the single greatest film to ever be created by humans.

I would not want to be a dictator right about now.

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